Travis Pirozzini
Full Stack Developer
UI/UX Designer
Why did we build this?
We created this app to help foster a deeper connection with nature by encouraging users to explore the wilderness around them. Our app is designed to help people discover and exchange information about forageable items in the wild, inspiring a sense of adventure and appreciation for the natural world. By providing a platform for users to share their findings with friends and the wider community, we aim to build a vibrant network of nature enthusiasts who can collaboratively explore, learn, and celebrate the wonders of the great outdoors. Together, we aspire to nurture a community that values sustainability, conservation, and the joy of discovering hidden treasures amidst the beauty of our natural landscapes.
Updates in the works:
- Combine profile page with friends request/search/notification page
- Allow comments on Locations
- Notifications when a users post is commented on or liked
- Allow user to upload a location image later (if cell service is poor)
Known Bugs:
- Marker icons are too large and have scaling issues on iOS devices
- Saving a picture in poor cell service areas is an issue
Flutter Mobile Application
Forager is available on the Google Play Store and the Appstore. Check it out - we would love to get your feedback!

Richard is a fantastic developer and amazing to work with! We will definitely be teaming up again for future projects.
Check out his work: Richard Au