Travis Pirozzini
Full Stack Developer
UI/UX Designer
UI/UX Design
While completing the Google UI/UX Certification I was tasked with designing an application for social good.
I present to you, Comb, your shellfish harvesting companion!
Project Goal: Food prices have gone up across the nation and time spent in nature is at record lows. We are reliant upon large food providers who also have a consequential negative impact on the environment. Comb solves both of these concerns by providing accessibility to users to secure their own food source while spending quality time in nature.
User Stories
I created two users to help me visualize how my application could solve some of their barriers or pain points when it comes to shellfish harvesting.
Users want all of their shellfish harvesting information in one location. Users are required to check weather, tide information and red tide warnings all from different websites to plan their activity.
Digital Wireframe
Created with Figma
I did a quick ideation exercise to come up with ideas for how to address gaps identified in the competitive audit. My focus was specifically on the map feature and ensuring that additional features would not block its visibility or functionality.
Hi-fidelity Mockup
Created with Figma
Based on insights from conducting usability studies, I applied a design colour scheme that is simplistic and modern. I ensured that the home screen has white space and does not become cluttered with elements.
React-Native Mobile Application
Now that the design was complete, it was time to pass it off to the web developers (also me hehe). I teamed up with Richard and we began converting my design to code! It was incredibly rewarding watching my design come to life!
Final Product
The reason that I chose to earn a UI/UX Certificate after becoming a Full-Stack Developer was to experience the full process - from design - to implementation - and then deployment.

Comb is available on the Google Play Store. Check it out - we would love to get your feedback!

Richard is a fantastic developer and amazing to work with! We will definitely be teaming up again for future projects.
Check out his work: Richard Au