Travis Pirozzini
Full Stack Developer
UI/UX Designer


Join your friends in some friendly competition with this exercise motivator!

TECH: Flutter/Firebase/Strava API
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Why Mobile Development?
Accessibility. Most people have a phone and web apps are becoming a thing of the past. This application is available on the Google Play Store and Apple Appstore. Check it out!
Cross-Platform Development
Building for all mobile platforms and sharing with the public has been my primary focus in 2023. I have received amazing feedback so far - it is satisfying updating applications that are live! Thank you to everyone who has helped me test my projects!


An expanded version of Comb. Drop markers, save and share your favourite foraging locations with friends or the public community board.

TECH: Flutter/Firebase/Google Maps API
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Hockey Dashboard

I updated my local hockey leagues website

TECH: HTML/CSS/JS/React/Firebase
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My Journey...
I am a (mostly) self-taught Full-Stack Web Developer. In 2022, I completed a Diploma in Web Development at Lighthouse Labs in Vancouver, BC and a UI/UX Certificate from Google/Coursera.
The Thrill of Competition
This second GameJam was a grind just like the first one! There is something special about going hard for a weekend. One focus. I am really happy with the final product, although it is still extremely buggy! We challenged ourselves and learned so much. Looking forward to the next one - in Unity!


My second GameJam! Theme: Delivery. Fight your way through the realm of limbo between life and death for a second chance at life! Deliver your soul back to your body.

TECH: GameMaker Studio 2 (pair programmed with Richard) - assets made by Haydn in Aseprite
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Your Shellfish Harvesting Companion

TECH: Figma/JS/React-Native/Firebase/Google-maps
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Why Programming?
You know that common movie scene where a programmer furiously types on a keyboard and then magic happens? I want to possess that magic.
Early Passion
In my youth, I would create websites with Netscape Navigator, animate in Macromedia Flash and build custom scenarios in Age of Empires 2, but after high school I pursued my other interest, athletics. This is a story of rekindling passion.

Shift Wizard

Travel the board while absorbing elemental powers. Cast spells to obtain the ultimate power crystal!

TECH: GameMaker Studio 2
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